• Ballet Project OC posted an update 4 years, 8 months ago

    Day # 11 – Soft Launch

    First things first, I want to welcome the new members that have created accounts on Ballet Project TV’s site: @jjgrandejete @josephinelee @julianagodlewski
    We appreciate you all for being part of our new site!

    Just wanted to jump on here and give some information on what to expect in the short term future as well as some of our incite on where we are going with the site.
    As we wind down the “soft launch” and move towards full production, key new features are going to appear.

    1) Expanded Video Services – (this feature is ready via the Vendor Dashboard) So if you want to sell events, shows, and all Professional pre-recorded content, the Vendor Dashboard will allow that function of purchase & download, also purchase and pay per view functions

    2) Call for Content – Promote your Activity page to other social media platforms by direct “share” from your activity page. You can share to FB, LinkedIn, and other platforms and via your phone direct Instagram upload from your mobile share functions.

    3) New Health & Fitness Content – We are going to partner with up & coming dancers that have fitness background for Yoga, Pilates, and other fitness styles that directly compliment Ballet

    4) Lifestyle Content – Fashion, Make Up, Art, Music, and much more.

    5 Ballet News – Industry New Feed for the latest info across the country, regional, and local Ballet News and Stories.

    6) Pre-Professional Resources – Resume Building, Content, Photography, Videos, Summer Program Info, Company Auditions, Independent Opportunities. This portion of the site is geared to be a source of development, source of information, and gears to help the Pre-Professional ranks as well as Companies to search for new talent.

    Each and every day, we have found new areas to expand into, but the challenge is to develop a specific area and make sure it works correctly and is easy to use, then to move onto the next area and so on…

    The foundation of the site is people and content, these two go hand in hand.
    I encourage each of you to post your most awesome picture of Dance, Ballet, Performance Video on your Activity Page and share it with all your connected platforms as well as on Instagram to help create that excitement for others to wonder what we are up to with the following message: “I’m on BPTV” #imonbptv and “Lets Dance” #letsdance – Lastly please feel free to share our vision on your posts, here it is:

    “Ballet Project TV is here to promote the Ballet Industry On Line and On Screen, our heart is to help an entire industry by providing a new opportunity based landscape for Artists, Choreographers, Companies, and Fans. A new era of Artistry and Opportunity is here! Join us and Share our Vision!”

    We thank the 35 (and counting) people who are part of this site and the many more that will come as we continue to expand our content, expand our user base and create value for an Industry desperately working to RISE UP!

    @abbyconcannon @admin @allyhelman @annaelhammond @annapeabody @auroraskirts @camillekellems @wvballetdancer @cleotaneja @constanceedoyle @emilydevito @jjgrandejete @elainer45 @emilyhelman @emilykayser @fplee12 @rfulton246 @julianagodlewski @mhelman @christinemay @jordannicole @josephinelee @julianagodlewski @kkbrubacher @rena-kamariotakis @libbyanne @lswarting @mccalls @michaeldcaye @claramonk @codybtoscano @jonic2netgm @rena-kamariotakis @sthomas52 @lswarting @elizabethpouliot