Ballet Project OC posted an update 3 years ago
Today is the Day for BPOC Sunscape! Celebrating Mr. Balanchine’s 118th Birthday. No better way to do that then to Dance “Live” on Stage in Theatre.
Come Join Us!Virginia De Land Theatre – Yorba Linda Cultural Arts Center
4802 Lakeview Ave
Yorba Linda, Ca. 92886Show Times are 3pm and 7pm PST.
The Movie Release is Jan 29th at 5pm –
The Best Value is to buy the Bundle Package from the “Marketplace”If you are a student dancer here in So. Cal. come to our show. $20 Cash Price at the door. There are 50 of these seats available so come on out and see BPOC Live in Theatre!
See you there!
Jon Helman – Executive Director
BPOC / BPTV@abbyconcannon @admin @allyhelman @amanij13 @annaelhammond @annapeabody @aureliefortin @auroraskirts @balletprojecttv @blanesskog @camilasdr @constanceedoyle @wvballetdancer @elainer45 @emilyhelman @emilykayser @destinymoore728 @camillekellems @christinemay @fplee12 @franciscoramirez @bwertwijn @jackiepierce @jjgrandejete @jbegs21 @goldiejane
@kjkafana1279 @kemdallbaker @kkbrubacher @juliannekinasiewicz @lswarting @claramonk @codybtoscano @brenna @greisen3 @greta-bal @jonic2netgm @rfulton246 @rhyshudsonn @michaeldcaye @michaelahballerina @ballerinasoflosangeles @sthomas52 @lesliecurtis @josephinelee @elizabethpouliot @rena-kamariotakis @lindymesmer @jordannicole @julianagodlewski @libbyanne @michaelahballerina @emilydevito @mhelman
@geoff-gonzalez @mwiebke @taytayballet @ladancemoves @jackiepierce @wildromeo @katherinec97 @carolynnshada @dianaalbrecht @kirstenkemp @taytayballet @pantasticon @oliviaalboher @aledeamicis @bulletproofballerina@roberta @heatherwaljertexasranger @balletboy116
@ajmontielannesegmail-com @corinagf @tatelee20 @kadancertalk @mamajrich @betsylucas @jec711 @bellavelasquez @rose123 @acannarella @benschwarzz @monicamonicahahnphotography-com @rose123 @kalikleiman
@freakswithlines @balletdancer298 @kamdyn1175 @lasvegasrenee @elladances2008 @abby @mleeballetmom @haybear101 @chenoa @oppenheimz @claudiae @rhondajmeiergmail-com @balletetudes @chelseapaigejohnston @wendlfam1028 @coastcityballet @isawoolumsrocketmail-com
@jackiepierce @chelseapaigejohnston @cmodon @yokomac @stepsofgold @monica28 @dstanton @samanthanbell @sschiewer82 @lena @pacificfestivalballet @sofiarochin @kganier @wendlfam1028 @ishdogs @shannongrant @lepintlsoftwaresystems-com @reginaklenjoskidancecompany
@seantheswan @rebeccafrazier @bradn2k1 @patriciatomita @belena19 @elizabethannah @sbowers @patti @joliemommy @jckonetes @darrylsheetz @pradaro @hannahlfreeman @rinatakikawa @kelsiev @joeyb @madsmcmillin @rsmack @kwdp @javajosh @gracemarc @ptbunhead
@elvisfenwick04 @diane @damiendiaz @florinemccullo @callowaysramsey @amyjvon @omigal @vannia @fkoeleman01 @helengouldmac-com @jackgillespie @fkoeleman01 @lauraballet @luckyboyluna23msn-com @hpasq1 @amymcmillin @cara-hansvickgmail-com @lvdances @bmap @amyjvon
@cmodon @danceimage @lena-easter @analiafarfan @balletdancer298 @madsmcmillin @rec03908 @milacad @adele-sb-dance-20 @katharine-nace @jenny @stardancer @adonnell @marikab @desertchamberballet @alexandria27 @tombadoud @pouleth