Ballet Project OC posted an update 4 years, 8 months ago
Day # 5 – Soft Launch – BPTV
We are getting a lot of really good feedback from many sources. Some trusted sources and others that really love what we are doing and direction of the site. As the site evolves, we are only going to grow in our capabilities to expand the functionality of the site (including an “app” for Apple and Android in the near future) The largest task in front of us is the expansion of the user base, expansion of new ballet relationships that include new content, new choreography, and new dynamic personalities. We would like to ask for your help in “spreading the word” about our new opportunity Ballet.Can each of you post on Instagram a great ballet photo – tag #imonbptv and reference the http://www.balletproject.tv site?
One other option would be to records a short video clip on post it on Instagram saying the following: “I am (speak your name), I am a (dancer with, company artists with) and I am on Ballet Project TV” (include the hashtag #imonbptv and the site http://www.balletproject.tv)
With your assistance, we can help create a new dynamic Ballet site, filled with potential and opportunity that the industry is longing for. A “New Era of Artistry” in a time that the industry sorely needs a new bright light of hope!
Thank you for your time and look forward to seeing the individual posts. @abbyconcannon @admin @allyhelman @annaelhammond @annapeabody @auroraskirts @camillekellems @wvballetdancer @cleotaneja @constanceedoyle @emilydevito @fplee12 @rfulton246 @mhelman @jordannicole @kkbrubacher @rena-kamariotakis @libbyanne @lswarting @mccalls @elainer45 @sthomas52 @elizabethpouliot @kkbrubacher @emilyhelman
Thanks again!
Mr. Helman