Ballet Project OC posted an update 3 years, 8 months ago
Upcoming Events on Ballet Project TV:
Freaks with Lines – Nilus Cogus
Las Vegas Dance Academy Show / Performances –
and a few more coming events soon to be announced.We want to encourage our members to continue to “talk up” BPTV and all of the new opportunities we represent to the Ballet Industry. With more companies beginning the process of returning to the stage, even more now, a digital strategy needs to be considered as the same importance as the stage. The “World” is your stage, you might as well embrace the incredible opportunity!
Have a Great Day and Thanks for all your support!
Jon Helman – Executive Director – BPTV
@abbyconcannon @admin @allyhelman @amanij13 @annaelhammond @annapeabody @aureliefortin @auroraskirts @balletprojecttv @blanesskog @camilasdr @constanceedoyle @wvballetdancer @elainer45 @emilyhelman @emilykayser @destinymoore728 @camillekellems @christinemay @fplee12 @franciscoramirez @bwertwijn @jackiepierce @jjgrandejete @jbegs21 @goldiejane
@kjkafana1279 @kemdallbaker @kkbrubacher @juliannekinasiewicz @lswarting @claramonk @codybtoscano @brenna @greisen3 @greta-bal @jonic2netgm @rfulton246 @rhyshudsonn @michaeldcaye @michaelahballerina @ballerinasoflosangeles @sthomas52 @lesliecurtis @josephinelee @elizabethpouliot @rena-kamariotakis @lindymesmer @jordannicole @julianagodlewski @libbyanne @michaelahballerina @emilydevito @mhelman
@geoff-gonzalez @mwiebke @taytayballet @ladancemoves @jackiepierce @wildromeo @katherinec97 @carolynnshada @dianaalbrecht @kirstenkemp @taytayballet @pantasticon @oliviaalboher @aledeamicis @bulletproofballerina@roberta @heatherwaljertexasranger @balletboy116
@ajmontielannesegmail-com @corinagf @tatelee20 @kadancertalk @mamajrich
@ptarz @betsylucas @jec711 @bellavelasquez @rose123 @acannarella @benschwarzz @monicamonicahahnphotography-com @rose123 @kalikleiman
@freakswithlines @balletdancer298 @kamdyn1175 @lasvegasrenee @elladances2008 @abby @mleeballetmom @haybear101 @chenoa @oppenheimz
@claudiae @rhondajmeiergmail-com @balletetudes @chelseapaigejohnston @wendlfam1028 @coastcityballet @isawoolumsrocketmail-com
@jackiepierce @chelseapaigejohnston @cmodon @yokomac @stepsofgold @monica28 @dstanton @samanthanbell @sschiewer82
@lena @pacificfestivalballet @sofiarochin @kganier @wendlfam1028 @ishdogs @shannongrant @lepintlsoftwaresystems-com @reginaklenjoskidancecompany
@seantheswan @rebeccafrazier @bradn2k1 @patriciatomita @belena19 @elizabethannah @sbowers @patti @joliemommy @jckonetes @darrylsheetz @pradaro @hannahlfreeman @rinatakikawa @kelsiev @joeyb @madsmcmillin @rsmack @kwdp @javajosh @gracemarc @ptbunhead
@elvisfenwick04 @diane @damiendiaz @florinemccullo @callowaysramsey @amyjvon @omigal @vannia @fkoeleman01 @helengouldmac-com
@jackgillespie @fkoeleman01 @lauraballet @luckyboyluna23msn-com @hpasq1 @amymcmillin @cara-hansvickgmail-com @lvdances @bmap @amyjvon
3 years, 8 months ago
3 years, 8 months ago