Ballet Project OC posted an update 4 years, 2 months ago
One more day until the start of BPOC Nutcracker 2020. We are preparing for a great start tomorrow with the beginning of our rehearsal time slots and the return of our great BPOC dancers. Safety is always at the forefront of all that we do in terms of social distancing and mask wearing during warm up class and rehearsals here at BPTV Studio One. We are like Santa’s Elves over here as our teams are making costumes, creating schedules, testing new technology so that we can bring a wonderful experience to our fan and audiences across the country! Today, is like the calm before the storm day, catching our breath (well not really with the SoCal Fires going on and the air filled with smoke) and getting some of some items finished before we move forward in full optimism of bringing for a New Nutcracker for 2020 despite all of the challenges, we press on!
Jon Helman – BPTV
@abbyconcannon @admin @allyhelman @amanij13 @annaelhammond @annapeabody @aureliefortin @auroraskirts @balletprojecttv @blanesskog @camilasdr @constanceedoyle @wvballetdancer @elainer45 @emilyhelman @emilykayser @destinymoore728 @camillekellems @christinemay @fplee12 @franciscoramirez @bwertwijn @jackiepierce @jjgrandejete @jbegs21 @goldiejane
@kjkafana1279 @kemdallbaker @kkbrubacher @juliannekinasiewicz @lswarting @claramonk @codybtoscano @brenna @greisen3 @greta-bal @jonic2netgm @rfulton246 @rhyshudsonn @michaeldcaye @michaelahballerina @ballerinasoflosangeles @sthomas52 @lesliecurtis @josephinelee @elizabethpouliot @rena-kamariotakis @lindymesmer @jordannicole @julianagodlewski @libbyanne @michaelahballerina @emilydevito @mhelman
@geoff-gonzalez @mwiebke @taytayballet @ladancemoves @jackiepierce @wildromeo @katherinec97 @carolynnshada @dianaalbrecht @kirstenkemp @taytayballet @pantasticon @oliviaalboher @aledeamicis @bulletproofballerina@roberta @heatherwaljertexasranger @balletboy116
@ajmontielannesegmail-com @corinagf @tatelee20 @kadancertalk @mamajrich
@ptarz @betsylucas @jec711 @bellavelasquez @rose123 @acannarella @benschwarzz @monicamonicahahnphotography-com @rose123 @kalikleiman
@freakswithlines @balletdancer298 @kamdyn1175 @lasvegasrenee @elladances2008 @abby @mleeballetmom @haybear101 @chenoa @oppenheimz
@claudiae @rhondajmeiergmail-com @balletetudes @chelseapaigejohnston @wendlfam1028 @coastcityballet @isawoolumsrocketmail-com
@jackiepierce @chelseapaigejohnston @cmodon @yokomac @stepsofgold @monica28 @dstanton @samanthanbell @sschiewer82
@lena @pacificfestivalballet @sofiarochin @kganier @wendlfam1028 @ishdogs
4 years, 2 months ago