Ballet Project OC posted an update 4 years, 2 months ago
Really Exciting things coming in December for Ballet Project TV! Can you say “Nutcracker Central”? With the next restrictions coming in the near future, many companies are moving outdoors and going “Live” with the presentations. We are here to help our Southern California Ballet Companies reach their audiences by using our robust / unique platform. Truly fun to tell our story and find common place & connection with many other companies, pre-professional companies and schools.
Our story is one of hope, determination, and resilience to help share the fun, the joy, and the long standing tradition of The Nutcracker!
Very Thankful and even more motivated to assist in building success!Jon Helman – BPTV
@abbyconcannon @admin @allyhelman @amanij13 @annaelhammond @annapeabody @aureliefortin @auroraskirts @balletprojecttv @blanesskog @camilasdr @constanceedoyle @wvballetdancer @elainer45 @emilyhelman @emilykayser @destinymoore728 @camillekellems @christinemay @fplee12 @franciscoramirez @bwertwijn @jackiepierce @jjgrandejete @jbegs21 @goldiejane
@kjkafana1279 @kemdallbaker @kkbrubacher @juliannekinasiewicz @lswarting @claramonk @codybtoscano @brenna @greisen3 @greta-bal @jonic2netgm @rfulton246 @rhyshudsonn @michaeldcaye @michaelahballerina @ballerinasoflosangeles @sthomas52 @lesliecurtis @josephinelee @elizabethpouliot @rena-kamariotakis @lindymesmer @jordannicole @julianagodlewski @libbyanne @michaelahballerina @emilydevito @mhelman
@geoff-gonzalez @mwiebke @taytayballet @ladancemoves @jackiepierce @wildromeo @katherinec97 @carolynnshada @dianaalbrecht @kirstenkemp @taytayballet @pantasticon @oliviaalboher @aledeamicis @bulletproofballerina@roberta @heatherwaljertexasranger @balletboy116
@ajmontielannesegmail-com @corinagf @tatelee20 @kadancertalk @mamajrich
@ptarz @betsylucas @jec711 @bellavelasquez @rose123 @acannarella @benschwarzz @monicamonicahahnphotography-com @rose123 @kalikleiman
@freakswithlines @balletdancer298 @kamdyn1175 @lasvegasrenee @elladances2008 @abby @mleeballetmom @haybear101 @chenoa @oppenheimz
@claudiae @rhondajmeiergmail-com @balletetudes @chelseapaigejohnston @wendlfam1028 @coastcityballet @isawoolumsrocketmail-com
@jackiepierce @chelseapaigejohnston @cmodon @yokomac @stepsofgold @monica28 @dstanton
4 years, 2 months ago
4 years, 2 months ago
4 years, 2 months ago