Ballet Project OC posted an update 4 years, 3 months ago
Expansion of Ballet Project TV Studio One – “mark 3” is now underway.
This expansion will result in more dancing & rehearsing space. Fun Times.We are hoping to provide an opportunity to make commissions on the sale of the Ballet Project OC Bundle Package. I am just going to put this out there to our community. We will offer $5 commission on every sale of the BPOC bundle:
Expansion of Ballet Project TV Studio One – “mark 3” is now underway.This expansion will result in more dancing & rehearsing space. Fun Times.We are hoping to provide an opportunity to make commissions on the sale of the Ballet Project OC Bundle Package. I am just going to put this out there to our community. We will offer $5 commission…[Read more]– Jon Helman – UA (@jonic2netgm) October 23, 2020
We will create a “unique” promo code for anyone interested in promoting the BPOC product in their social media platforms. It’s super easy, for every sales with your promo code, we will pay you $5 from the $29.95 product revenue. Unlimited potential to make a commission. Our hope is that 1000’s of the BPOC Bundle Package are sold in our efforts to fund our BPOC Holiday Event in Dec 2020.
Any entrepreneurs out there want an easy to way to make money by promoting BPOC on theri Facebook, Instagram, and other platforms. Please contact me for you own personal promo code and we can get you started right away!
Happy Selling and Thank you for being part of our journey!
Jon Helman
Executive Director – BPTV & BPOC@abbyconcannon @admin @allyhelman @amanij13 @annaelhammond @annapeabody @aureliefortin @auroraskirts @balletprojecttv @blanesskog @camilasdr @constanceedoyle @wvballetdancer @elainer45 @emilyhelman @emilykayser @destinymoore728 @camillekellems @christinemay @fplee12 @franciscoramirez @bwertwijn @jackiepierce @jjgrandejete @jbegs21 @goldiejane
@kjkafana1279 @kemdallbaker @kkbrubacher @juliannekinasiewicz @lswarting @claramonk @codybtoscano @brenna @greisen3 @greta-bal @jonic2netgm @rfulton246 @rhyshudsonn @michaeldcaye @michaelahballerina @ballerinasoflosangeles @sthomas52 @lesliecurtis @josephinelee @elizabethpouliot @rena-kamariotakis @lindymesmer @jordannicole @julianagodlewski @libbyanne @michaelahballerina @emilydevito @mhelman
@geoff-gonzalez @mwiebke @taytayballet @ladancemoves @jackiepierce @wildromeo @katherinec97 @carolynnshada @dianaalbrecht @kirstenkemp @taytayballet @pantasticon @oliviaalboher @aledeamicis @bulletproofballerina@roberta @heatherwaljertexasranger @balletboy116
@ajmontielannesegmail-com @corinagf @tatelee20 @kadancertalk @mamajrich
@ptarz @betsylucas @jec711 @bellavelasquez @rose123 @acannarella @benschwarzz @monicamonicahahnphotography-com @rose123 @kalikleiman
@freakswithlines @balletdancer298 @kamdyn1175 @lasvegasrenee @elladances2008 @abby @mleeballetmom @haybear101 @chenoa @oppenheimz
@claudiae @rhondajmeiergmail-com @balletetudes @chelseapaigejohnston @wendlfam1028 @coastcityballet @isawoolumsrocketmail-com
@jackiepierce @chelseapaigejohnston @cmodon @yokomac @stepsofgold
4 years, 3 months ago