May 19

Ballet: Fact or Fiction?

Ballet: Fact or Fiction?

TEST YOUR BALLET KNOWLEDGE! You have 10 seconds to answer each question. The faster you answer, the higher your score. When you are done, try again to beat your best score!

May 17

A SHOUTOUT LA Interview with Ally Helman

A SHOUTOUT LA Interview with Ally Helman

A SHOUTOUT LA Interview with Ally Helman We had the good fortune of connecting with Ally Helman and we’ve shared our conversation below. Hi Ally, what habits do you feel helped you succeed?Discipline is one habit that has brought much success to me personally and to Ballet Project OC. The skill to push forth into…

May 11

Ballet Books for Your Summer Reading List

Ballet Books for Your Summer Reading List

Traditionally for many, the beginning of a new year marks the moment to make resolutions and set new goals; they are often related to self-care, professional ambitions, and personal relationships. Thus we’ve compiled a list of ballet books that – albeit indirectly – may contribute to an objective you (or in some cases, a young…

May 11

Healthy Food Choices for Dancers

Healthy Food Choices for Dancers

By Treva Bedinghaus Are you a dancer and are you feeling less energetic in the studio lately? During competition season it may be harder for you to stay healthy or feeling at your optimal best. It may seem that you are suffering injury after injury. Your diet could be the culprit. If you are not…